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Negotiation, Conflict Management and Consensus

We defend your interests and maximize your profits

We defend your interests and maximize your profits;We mitigate conflicts, build consensus and strengthen relationships.

Negotiation is present in our day-to-day existence whether we realize this or not, being a part of our lives both in simple, intuitive issues and in other, more complex ones that require organization and planning, the use of sophisticated tools, analysis and control devices, as well as techniques and critical decision making, amongst other items.

The universe of negotiation is vast and unlimited, and may be present in the relationship with suppliers and clients, in the performance of services, in acquisitions, mergers or splits involving inland or overseas companies, in asset split, in the dissolution of societies, in international projects of governmental interest, in negotiations with unions, hostage taking situations and so on, in which our professional negotiators will act in the mediation and management of conflicts, identifying the interests of each party and creating the better-suited solutions for all, so as to limit the conflict, minimize liabilities and explore advantages.

Transforming conflict in consensus and mitigating problems by taking advantage of opportunities is our specialty. We defend your needs and interests and maximize your results and relationships.


Phone +55 41 3328-0433
ADDRESS Rua Nunes Machado, 68 conj 512
CEP 80250-000 | Curitiba | PR